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Friday, September 11, 2015

In The Dark

Dog in the Dark
Mr. Henry

Dog in the Dark
Mr. Zachary

Dog Blog Post #1902

Fun with lighting.

Today had a single flash, with a small softbox, stationed on the floor off camera to the right.

It was just a bit further away than the rear of the dogs, pointing at a 45 degree angle toward them and angled slightly upward.

The reflector was turned dark side out and guarded the front of the Fridge (on the left) to block any stray bits of light. You'd be amazed how reflective a big white fridge can be!

I was both surprised and pleased with how these turned out, and will definitely try it again.

After I mop the floor.

The camera and flash both sitting on the floor make every dust speck look like Mt. Everest.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 11, 2015 - "In A Dark Room"

Daily Dog Challenge 1411. "Pause"

The boys had to pause, in a dark room, for me to take the pictures!

Non-Cropped View

For the top two shots...

Dog in the Dark
Full-Sized Mr. Henry

Dog in the Dark
Full-Sized Mr. Zachary

A Disgruntled Model

Dog in the Dark
Zachary: "Humph... my picture should have been first."

Dog in the Dark
Zachary: "I'm going to pout."

Just looks at all those dust specks.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. Stunning. The first photo of Henry has just enough light that you can see his eye.
