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Friday, September 25, 2015


Mr. Zachary: "Mr. Henry."
Mr. Henry: "Mr. Zachary."

Mr. Zachary: "Something smells delicious."
Mr. Henry:  "Mmmmm"

Mr. Henry: "Oh, waitress!"
Mr. Zachary: "Let me handle this."

Mr. Zachary: (whistles)
Mr. Henry: "Stop that!"

Mr. Zachary: "Here she comes."
Mr. Henry: "If she asks, I'm not here."

Dog Blog Post #1915

Looks like the boys went out to a fancy restaurant for dinner.

And did they invite me?

No, of course not.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 25, 2015 - "Culture"

Daily Dog Challenge 1425. "Feelin' Happy"

Mr. Henry
Mr. Henry

Still Life with Plastic Wine Glasses
Still Life with Plastic Wine Glasses

Today's props were supposed to be accompanied by a bottle of wine (empty).

But as Henry's tail sent one of the (plastic) wine glasses bouncing across the floor during setup, I opted to pass on the real glass.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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