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Thursday, September 10, 2015

TV Glow

TV Glow
Henry watching the Football Game

TV Glow
Henry hoping Roethlisberger isn't on his Fantasy Football team.

Dog Blog Post #1901

While the boys are fans of neither the Steelers nor the Patriots, they are more than happy to stretch out on the Big Bed and watch the first game of the NFL season with me.

Poor Roethlisberger - just not his night.

Go Niners!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Sep 10, 2015 - "See The Light"

Daily Dog Challenge 1410. "Indulge"

TV Glow
Original of the top shot

Editor's Note: My Nikon insisted I inform you that tonight's pictures were taken with the lowly iPhone instead.

Cross your fingers and hope the Nikon's autofocus doesn't go on strike tomorrow.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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