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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back to the Future

88 Miles Per Hour
Back to the Future

Dog Blog Post #1942

"...when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."

-- Dr. Emmett Brown "Back To The Future"

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 21, 2015 - "Quote"

Daily Dog Challenge 1451. "Back To The Future"

Spent WAY too long on this shot, using Flickr to tramp private copies back and forth between the desktop Mac, my iPhone, and my iPad (really need to get iCloud photos set up)

Specifically, images went from:

1. Nikon camera - where the image was taken. It started out looking at lot like this shot of Henry...

Henry: "I'm going, too!"

2. Desktop Mac (DM) - image imported into Lightroom, had basic processing done, then transferred to Photoshop Elements to mask it it off.

2. Flickr: image up to Flickr...

88 Miles Per Hour
Zachary: "I'm floating!"

3. iPad - ... then down to iPad. Hold that thought.


3. iPhone - A plain black image that I had stashed on Flickr was downloaded to my iPhone, where I added the lightening using the PhotoStudio App.

4. Flickr - Lightening image up to Flickr and then...


5. iPad - ... down to iPad, where it was merged with the main crate shot (#3) in the Procreate App and the "smoke clouds" was painted in (Procreate is an art app).

6. Flickr - image moved up to Flickr...

7. DM - ... and back down to the desktop Mac. At this point I realized the EXIF data had been stripped out. Rats. So...

8. DM - A copy of the original (#2) image was made in Lightroom and was opened in Photoshop Elements, where it was overwritten by the image from 7, this returning the EXIF data to the shot (I hope).

8. DM - back into Lightroom for a final crop and minor touch ups and then...

9. Flickr - up to Flickr one last time.

Zachary: "Yay!"

Henry: "Peek-a-Boo"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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