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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Big Spider

Yesterday's post took forever using my iPad and HTML code to show the Flickr hosted images. 

Today we try uploading iPhone images to Flickr then copying them back down to my iPad so I can upload into the Blogger App (which I never use) to make this very post.


Let's give this a try...

Those two were played with using the PhotoStudio App.

The originals are below. 

I fully expect the "Dark Room" (aka Study containing Big Computer) to return to service within the next few days. 

Oh, and today's challenges were: 

Our Daily Challenge: Spider
Daily Dog Challenge: Wow

Well, time to hit Done and see what happens. 

And, as always, the URL to my Flickr stream is: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bztraining/

Cross your fingers!