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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Doggy TV

Happy Slider Sunday!

Doggy TV
Zachary enjoying Doggy TV

Doggy TV
Channel surfing?

Doggy TV
Zachary: "Mmmm"

Must be a commercial break.

Dog Blog Post #1924

Mother Nature finally turned on the air-conditioning this afternoon, dropping temps 20F between 2pm and 5pm, allowing us to open the front windows while still light outside for the first time in quite a while.

The boys were up on the sofa in a flash, Mesmerized by the everyday sights and sounds of our quiet suburban street, turning an otherwise mundane afternoon into a special occassion.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1433. "Mesmerized"

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 3, 2015 - "Make Every Day A Special Occassion"

This was an iPhone shot - and a poorly lit one at that.

I created a couple layers and added Film Grain to one and Paint Daubs to the other, used Overlay to blend them together, and then warmed the whole thing up a bit back in Lightroom.

The Original

Doggy TV
Zachary looking a bit dull and blurry

This wasn't at all what I had in mind for today's challenges, but the impromptu moment was just too good a match with the challenges to pass up.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. The original photo is fantastic. I also like photos #1 and of course the tongue photo. Not only is the composition great, but I like the impressionist effect you applied.

  2. The warm colours look great! Beautiful boy! :)
