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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Don't Do It!

Don't Do It!
Henry (thinking) : "49ers or Ravens..."

Don't Do It!
Henry (think) : "... both with 1-4 records."

Dog Blog Post #1938

After suffering through four weeks of losses (three of them DISMAL losses) it looks like the boys are contemplating switching allegiance from the 49ers to the Ravens.

Don't do it, guys!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 18, 2015 - "Will I or Won't I?"

Daily Dog Challenge 1448. "Decisions, Decisions"

Don't Do It!
Zachary: (sniff)

Don't Do It!
Zachary (thinking) : "The ravens smell just as bad as the niners do."

Whew - They thankfully came to their senses, and the Niner's managed to pull out a 25-20 win against the Ravens.

Go Niners!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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