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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Great Pumpkin Patch

Happy Henry
Henry: "Momma, I need some grass for my Pumpkin Patch."

Well, the lawn is pretty brown right now, how about this...

Great Pumpkin Patch
Henry: "Thanks Momma! Now I'm all ready for the Great Pumpkin to appear."

(Of camera, the sound of Zachary laughing his head off can be heard.)

Great Pumpkin Patch
Henry, annoyed

Dog Blog Post #1947

As a summer of tight drought restrictions has left our grass more brown than green, I decided to Repurpose some Easter Basket "Grass" for Henry's (not so?) Great Pumpkin Patch.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1455. "Repurpose"

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 25, 2015 - "Grass"

As I kid, I loved watching the Charlie Brown specials...


... back in the Dark Ages, when TVs had just three channels, and you had to get up to change the channel.

Wake up Henry...

... or you're going to miss him!

Great Pumpkin Patch
Henry: "Zzzzzzz"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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