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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Not Fair!

4th Quarter.

Niners up 27-23.

Giants have the ball and are driving with mere seconds left in the game...

Not Fair
22 seconds...

Not Fair
... 21 seconds...

Not Fair
Henry: (gasp)
Zachary: (censored)

Dog Blog Post #1931

Henry had his Good Luck Gray Teddy Bear, and Zachary his Lucky 49er Blanket, and the team tried really, really hard and was actually winning with less than a minute left in the game...

... but no joy. They lost 27-30.

Poor Niners, now 1-4 with a whole lot of season left to think about what might have been.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1441. "Good Luck"

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 11, 2015 - "Gray"

Not Fair
Game Over

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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