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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Prince of Darkness?

Ok guys, think Dark And Spooky Graveyard...

Prince of Darkness???
Henry: "Trick or Treat!"

Uh... no.

You are SUPPOSED to be the Prince of Darkness.

The Prince of Darkness doesn't wear Donald Duck "Mickey Mouse" Ears...

Prince of Darkness
Zachary: "Trick or Treat!"

... or smile.

Prince of Darkness
Henry: "Better?"

Can you hide the smile?

Prince of Darkness
Henry... Angel of Darkness?


Prince of Darkness
Zachary... Melancholy of Darkness

... this is hopeless.

Prince of Darkness
Zachary: "He he he... snort... he he he"

Next year I'm dressing you two as Big Bird for Halloween.

Dog Blog Post #1951

The boys practicing for The Big Night.

Given the number of smiles and other less-than-menacing looks they gave me, they definitely need it.

And then there's Henry's costume.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 29, 2015 - "The Weekend Starts Here"

Daily Dog Challenge 1459. "Secluded"

The top shot (which I ultimately picked for the Flickr groups) is definitely NOT what I was thinking of when I set up this shoot.

It was just a throwaway shot taken for my own grins-and-giggles.

But as the rest just weren't working for me, and that one at least made me smile, it came out on top.

A Bit of Artsy Fun

Prince of Darkness
Artsy Prince of Darkness

Same shot as the second image above, after taking a spin through Photoshop Elements.

I added the iPad artsy-forest background I made that you've seen in the past, which had the glowing edges filter applied to make it more Halloween-ish.

In the end, the masking did it in as the whole left side of Zachary blended inseparably from the black fabric.

I threw a painterly filter across the whole thing try to merge things a bit better before giving up.

I did like how the background turned out, and will store it away in my virtual shoe box of ideas to try again some time.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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