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Monday, October 5, 2015

Rainy Days and Mondays

Me thinks someone is being a fair weather fan...

Zachary, is that you?

Henry - looking suitably gloomy...

Rainy Days and Mondays
... gloomier...

Rainy Days and Mondays
... gloomiest?

Dog Blog Post #1926

Poor guys.

The 49er's lost on Sunday (again) - this time to the Green Bay Packers.

At least the score was an almost respectable 3-17 and they seemed to actually play the first half.

The less we speak of the second half the better.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1435. "Storytelling"

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 5, 2015 - "Water Drops"

I thought the water drops imparted a gloominess that went along with their woeful mood.

Rainy Days and Mondays
Zachary: "Oh woe is me."

I pushed the sliders a bit harder the usual in Lightroom to help with the "mood" of this last shot, the one I chose for the challenges.

The second shot (Henry) was just the lighting test shot, taken through the plexiglass I was about to spritz with water.

Alas, while I liked the pose, it came it rather blurry due to the poor quality of the plexiglass - just a cheap, empty, 5x7 picture holder.

So into Photoshop Elements it went!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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