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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fall Dreams

Fall Dreams
Fall Dreams

Dog Blog Post #1973

The Chinese Pistache trees on our street are in full color right now, something that was probably lost on the dogs when they were out on their walk today.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 22, 2015 - "Look What I Saw Today"

Daily Dog Challenge 1483. "Show Me"

This is a pair of iPhone shots (below) - filtered, masked, and smushed together - as I (once again) spent way too much time watching Football.

My Teams Losing football.

In fact, all three teams I follow lost today, making their records for year 3-7, 4-6, and 2-8.


The Parts

Sleepy Zachary

I used Lightroom's adjustment brush to "paint" max-dark exposure over the parts of original image that I will ultimately mask out in Photoshop Elements.

Yes, I could use Photoshop's selection tools on the original image and save a step, but I actually find it faster to do it this way when the edges are poorly defined - as they were in this low-light iPhone shot.

Chinese Pistache
Chinese Pistache

Chinese Pistache
Grungy Chinese Pistache 

I used an iPad photo app to apply a "grunge" filter.

A finally "artsy" filter was added in Photoshop Elements to blend the edges of the two images together a bit better.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Our pistache trees look just like yours and I took some photos the other day. I plan to post one next week. Zachary looks very dreamy in his sea of red leaves.
