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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Peace in Happy Valley

Peace in Happy Valley
Contented Zachary, curled up on my feet.

Peace in Happy Valley
Contented Henry with his head on my lap (and on my knitting, too, of course)

After all, it's not homemade if there isn't dog hair in it, right?

Peace in Happy Valley
Zachary's head and Henry's tail.

Hubby is on the other side of Henry.

Thank goodness we have a king-sized bed!

Dog Blog Post #1970

Watching football is much more Peaceful when you don't care who wins the game!

No matter the teams or score, the boys enjoy the Comfort of the Big Bed, snuggled amongst the blankets with Hubby and me, as I work on the latest knitting project.

The shots above were taken with my iPhone then run through a variety of Photoshop Element's filters/blending in addition to Lightroom primping and pampering.

The originals are below.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 19, 2015 - "Peace or Peaceful"

Daily Dog Challenge 1480. "Comfort"

Peace in Happy Valley
Original iPhone image

Peace in Happy Valley
Original iPhone image

Obviously, no flash was used on any of those.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

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