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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Remains of the Game

It's not easy being a 49er Football Fan...

Go Niners!
Zachary: "Go Niners!"

Remains of the Game
(holding breath)

Remains of the Game

Remains of the Game

Remains of the Game
Zachary: "Whew"
Henry: "About time" 

Dog Blog Post #1962

Well, the 49er game was a real Thriller, with the QB benched and the backup QB starting.

At 2-6, playing the 6-2 Atlanta Falcons, the boys' hopes weren't exactly high.

In the end, the Niners managed to squeak out a 17-16 win!

And What's Left when it's over?

Nothing but empty Cookie bags and baskets, and the hope that perhaps the team has finally hit rock-bottom and stopped digging.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1469. "Thriller"

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 8, 2015 - "What's Left"

Remains of the Game
Zachary: "I knew they would win all along."

Remains of the Game
Remains of the Game

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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