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Saturday, December 26, 2015


Come on Zachary, it's not THAT cold in the house...

Sweet Zachary

... and certainly not for you, Henry.

You were just panting a few minutes ago!

Sweet Henry

I guess you two are too cold for these Cookies then...

Sweet Zachary
Zachary: "Huh?"

Sweet Henry
Henry: "Cookies?"

Feeling warmer?

Sweet Henry

I thought so.

Dog Blog Post #2007

Zachary Taking it Easy with a cozy blanket to offset the Chill in the house.

FWIW: As I have been asked in the past, I finally videoed today's shoot with my iPhone and uploaded (separately)



... and Henry's:


... sessions to Flickr.

Hmmm... I actually have no idea if those two videos going to play properly here, having never tried to embed Flickr videos in Blogger before.

Apologies in advance if they do not.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 26, 2015 - "Taking it Easy"

Daily Dog Challenge 1517. "Chill"

DIY iPhone holder
DIY iPhone Holder

Sweet Henry
Cozy Henry

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2015 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of the boys. It was interesting to watch the videos and see you you work with them.
