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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas...

You guys are being soooooo patient...

Cuddly Toys

Now just give me one more minute to fiddle with the camera and I'll be ready to shoot.

Cuddly Toys


Dog Blog Post #2004

On the Eleventh day of Christmas, my Human gave to me...

Eleven Cuddly Toys

... ten Bags of Cookies
... nine Floppy Socks
... eight Strips of Bacon
... seven Cozy Blankets
... six Squishy Pillows
... five Bouncy Balls
... four Tasty Treats
... three Big Hugs
... two Chewy Bones
... and a Sofa for a long nap.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1514. "Surround(ed)"

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 23, 2015 - "Abundance"

115 Picture in 2015 - #6. "Cuddly Toy"

Supporting Cast
Supporting Cast

I took a half dozen shots and the only difference was how open (or closed) the boys eyes were. :)

Good boys!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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