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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

On The Fourth Day Of Christmas...

Ok guys, I need you to hold really still...

The Boys

Tasty Treats

Holding Still

Dog Blog Post #1997

On the fourth day of Christmas, my Human gave to me...

Four Tasty Treats...

... three Big Hugs...
... two Chewy Bones
... and a Sofa for a long nap.

Photography Assignment

115 Picture in 2015 - #12. "Illustrate a proverb"

Good things come to those who wait!

... and yes, of course the boys got the Cookies, but not until I'd balanced (and rebalanced) the cookies on their noses several times.

While Henry easily balances four of these Cookies on his nose, Zachary finds it much more challenging.

As there is only one of me, I balance Henry's cookies first, then spend the rest of the time trying to get Zachary to hold still long enough for me to get out of the shot.

No photoshop here, the guys managed it all by themselves!

The Boys
"He he he"
-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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