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Friday, December 25, 2015

Rip and Shred

Rip and Shred
(rip shred) (rip shred) (rip shred)

Henry, I think Dad has some tasty nibbles for you...

Rip and Shred
Henry: "Huh?"

Dog Blog Post #2006

A few happy-snappy iPhone shots taken this morning as the boys (Henry here, as Zachary was in the shadows) enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper and empty cardboard boxes.

They also love to help you unwrap the presents.

All you have to do is get a bit of the paper peeled away as a start and they rip the rest off with gusto!

Then they shake the paper and play keep-away for a while, before finally settling down to some contented ripping and shredding.

This "enrichment activity" was part of our Christmas gift to them, and they enjoyed it mightily!

The second shot had a few Photoshop artistic filters run on it, for grins and giggles.

Editor's Note: ex-pen on the left fences in the Christmas tree.  :)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1516. "Today"

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 25, 2015 - "A Gift"

Rip and Shred
Henry: "Coming!"

The boys had a wonderful day, mooching treats and pets from the Grandparents in between ripping paper and boxes.

Not wishing to be called a Scrooge, I gave the boys the day off from their modeling duties.

But I expect them ready all the earlier tomorrow!   :)

Merry Christmas!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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