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Sunday, January 31, 2016


Slider Sunday...

(or is that Slacker Sunday?)

"Pencil Sketch"

"Stencil Poster Red"

"Color Pencil Sketch"

Dog Blog Post #2043

An iPhone shot shown with three different Artsy PhotoStudio app filters applied so that each Looks Like a drawing.

Even the Flickr autotag bot thought the top shot was a sketch / drawing!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1553. "Artsy"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #44. "Looks Like"

Th e Original
The Original shot

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, January 30, 2016

In Style

In Style

Looks good!

Now how about a nice big smile...

In Style

Uh... guys?

A nice BIG smile.

Something to showcase those sunny dispositions...

In Style
Zachary: "Eh hem."

Or not.

Dog Blog Post #2042

The boys always feel In Style with their black fedoras.

I rarely use this backdrop fabric and I'm really not sure why (or is it why not?)

I think the colors go well with the boys and, being quite sheer, is impervious to wrinkles.

It's draped over the black stretchy velvet else you would be able to see right through it.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1552. "In Style"

16 Pictures in 2016 - #2. "Heads"

Two heads, to be precise.

Zachary on the left and Henry on the right.

In Style
Zachary: "He he he. Just kidding Mom."
Henry: (giggle giggle giggle)


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 29, 2016

Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet
Henry (thinking) : "Cooooooookies"

Balanced Diet
Zachary: "Must. Eat. Healthy."

Balanced Diet
Henry: (sniff)

Balanced Diet
Zachary: "Must. Not. Look."

Dog Blog Post #2041

The boys believe the secret to Happiness is the proper Balance between Dinner and Dessert.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 29, 2016 - "Balance"

Daily Dog Challenge 1551. "Makes Me Happy"

Balanced Diet
Zachary (thinking): "Diet? What diet?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tech Support

Tech Support
Zachary as Tech Support: "You are an idiot."

Why am I not surprised.

Dog Blog Post #2040

Tech Support checking out our old Apple laptop.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 27, 2016 - "Begins with A"

Daily Dog Challenge 1550. "Arrangement"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #16. "Logo/Emblem"

Other Tech Support Possibilities

Tech Support
Zachary - Disinterested

Tech Support
Zachary - Patronizing

Tech Support
Henry - attentive (but clueless)

Tech Support
Henry - sympathetic (but clueless)

Tech Support
Henry - "working on the problem" (or possibly Doing Nothing - it's hard to tell)

Your mileage may vary, of course.

Don't get me wrong - I absolutely adore my Apple products.

Computer, iPad, iPod, iPhone - these things iLike!

But don't get me started on the "Genius Bar", and the folks in the Front Room that they pass off as "Geniuses".

The ones in the Back Room... now those folks are smart. And helpful. And can actually get stuff done.

But first you have to get past the Front Room Folks, who I not-so-affectionately dub The Village Idiots.

"We'll put it on the bench and start the diagnostics tonight, and will give you the results in 3-5 days."

"Good luck, yours is the next in line. Should get to it in 2-3 days", (6 days in the shop).

"Please hold..." (insert 13:35 wasted minutes) "... click!" (9 days in the shop).

"We'll call you tomorrow," (after calling again, still 9 days in the shop)

(crickets) (days 10 - 12)

"Good news, the new logic board is finally here, but we can't put it until the tests on the old logic board are done." (huh???) (13 days in the shop)

"It just needed a good dusting", declared on day 15!

... only to have it die for the same reason two weeks later.

That's when they put the REAL Genius on it - the one in the Back Room - the one who can actually talk to you on the phone without having to read cue cards.

Ah yes... good times... good times.

Editor's Note: No, thankfully nothing new has died. I'm just skipping down memory lane visiting grievances long past.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

His Royal Head

His Royal Head
Zachary - contemplating the best way to achieve world peace

His Royal Head
Henry - contemplating... nothing

His Royal Head
Zachary - thinking up ways to trick me into giving him more Cookies

His Royal Head
Henry - in a staring match with the bowl of Cookies

His Royal Head
Zachary - holding down the dog bed?

Dog Blog Post #2039

The boys, with a crown of leaves to Ring their royal (curvy) heads.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 27, 2016 - "Ring"

Daily Dog Challenge 1549. "Curves"

His Royal Head
Henry - earning extra an Cookie

Seriously, could YOU say no to that face?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Art Critics

Art needs no words...

The Art Critic
Henry - The Art Critic

The Art Critic
Zachary - The Art Critic

The Art Critic
Zachary - The Art Critic

Dog Blog Post #2038

The Art Critics consider a piece of Industrial Art.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 26, 2016 - "Sculpted"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #24. "Statue"

... there might have been a wee bit of Photoshopping in Henry's shot to bring the sculpture up to scale.

Daily Dog Challenge 1548. "Angled"

The "sculpture" (a pair of handsome bookends befitting my Mechanical Engineer Hubby) has many angles, making a nice contrast with the boys' soft curves.

The Art Critic
The Art Critic does not look impressed

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 25, 2016

It's Harder Than It Looks

Oh building a Box Fort...

It's Harder Than It Looks

It's not that bad guys.

It's Harder Than It Looks

Will a blanket will help?

It's Harder Than It Looks

Or not.

Teddy, holding down the fort?

Dog Blog Post #2037

The boys found out that building a Box Fort is harder than it looks.

So was convincing the autofocus that the subject of today's shoot was NOT the big blue MEDIUM on the box in the background.


Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 15, 2016 - "Box or Boxes"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #35. "Shelter"

Daily Dog Challenge 1547. "Boxed In"

What about YESTERDAY's Post?

Umm... yeah.

About that...

Better Late Than Never?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Better Late Than Never?

A scene someone owned by a Golden Retriever would understand...

Happy Snappy
Henry: "Play?"

Yes, sweetie.

(How could I resist?)

Dog Blog Post #2036

Watched football (yesterday).

Late dinner out (yesterday).

Came home to find Henry hauling a towel around, ready to play (yesterday).

(click) (yesterday)

Uploaded and posted (today).


Photography Assignment

Happy Snappy
Playing tug and taking a picture with my iPhone

Happy Snappy
Playing tug and taking a really blurry picture with my iPhone

At which point I put my iPhone away and gave Henry a "proper" game of tug.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Are you sure you can do this Zachary?

You're going to have to hold Very Still...

Zachary (thinking) : "Holding Still. Holding Still."
Henry holding still

Good job!

Zachary: "More!"
Henry - still holding still

Let's make the stacks even with three Cookies each...

Zachary (thinking): "Must hold still."
Henry - hasn't budged

Let's try four!

Zachary: "Must... Hold... Still..."
Henry - still hasn't budged

Zachary: "Ta-da!"
Henry - a rock

Dog Blog Post #2035

Photography Assignment

Fruits of the Their Labors

Good job, guys!

I wasn't sure you could pull it off Zachary, but...

Zachary: "Pfthththth"
Henry: (crunch crunch crunch)

... you did.

Editor's Note: And yes, they did get to eat most of the Cookies when the shoot was over.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 22, 2016


Some days a photo shoot is just a photo shoot.

Today was one of those days.






Dog Blog Post #2034

The boys Fill the Frame in these Faded images.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 22, 2016 - "Fills the Frame"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #62. "Fill the Frame"

Daily Dog Challenge 1544. "Faded"

New Fabric

I brought out the big dog bed and draped it with one of the five(?) new upholstery fabrics I picked up on super-sale over the holidays (50% off the usual 50% off for red-tag fabrics).

I really should do that more often, as it gives the boys some additional paw/head combinations.

Of course, as I de-saturated the pictures, it's rather hard for you to get the full effect of its color. :)

I'm sure the fact the bed is soft is plus for the boys.

And the hat to keep the flash out of their eyes is always a plus.

Yup, it was a good day to be a Canine Model.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Odd Couple

The Odd Couple

Dog Blog Post #2033

So alike and yet so different.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1543. "Orderly"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 21, 2016 - "All In A Row"

I was sitting at a table with ~10 coworkers and one very large jar of M&Ms.

As the discussion progressed, we each poured a "healthy" portion of red, blue, green, yellow, and chocolaty goodness out on the table in front of us.

The topic being less than mesmerizing, I began to sort my M&Ms into orderly vertical rows by color, ending up with a rather handsome bar chart.

I believe brown was the most frequent color.

I then looked up to find EVERYONE was busy doing the same thing.

Some made rows, some made columns, some sorted into piles, other made shapes or arranged the M&Ms into lines of alternating colors.

We pondered what a phycologist would make of it, then went back to work.

Just One?

Well, ummm... yes.

That's all they gave me.

They got in their "spots", I carefully stacked up Zachary's Cookies then pushed a pile in front of the Henry.

Then I told them to stay and went back to the camera to make sure we were both on the same page as to where to focus.

When I turned around, that's what the boys were doing.

I snapped a couple shots.

They didn't budge.

As I walked back to encourage them to think outside the Cookie Box, the flash batteries died.

That's a wrap!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Golden Age

The Golden Age of film...

Classic Canine
Humphrey Bogart?

Classic Canine
Burt Lancaster?

Classic Canine
Clark Gable?

Dog Blog Post 2032

Ah The Good Old Days of film, when the lighting was Dramatic.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 20, 2016 - "The Good Old Days"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #49. "Dramatic"

Daily Dog Challenge 1542. "Dramatic"

Classic Canine
Frank Sinatra?

Classic Canine
Errol Flynn?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved