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Friday, January 29, 2016

Tech Support

Tech Support
Zachary as Tech Support: "You are an idiot."

Why am I not surprised.

Dog Blog Post #2040

Tech Support checking out our old Apple laptop.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 27, 2016 - "Begins with A"

Daily Dog Challenge 1550. "Arrangement"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #16. "Logo/Emblem"

Other Tech Support Possibilities

Tech Support
Zachary - Disinterested

Tech Support
Zachary - Patronizing

Tech Support
Henry - attentive (but clueless)

Tech Support
Henry - sympathetic (but clueless)

Tech Support
Henry - "working on the problem" (or possibly Doing Nothing - it's hard to tell)

Your mileage may vary, of course.

Don't get me wrong - I absolutely adore my Apple products.

Computer, iPad, iPod, iPhone - these things iLike!

But don't get me started on the "Genius Bar", and the folks in the Front Room that they pass off as "Geniuses".

The ones in the Back Room... now those folks are smart. And helpful. And can actually get stuff done.

But first you have to get past the Front Room Folks, who I not-so-affectionately dub The Village Idiots.

"We'll put it on the bench and start the diagnostics tonight, and will give you the results in 3-5 days."

"Good luck, yours is the next in line. Should get to it in 2-3 days", (6 days in the shop).

"Please hold..." (insert 13:35 wasted minutes) "... click!" (9 days in the shop).

"We'll call you tomorrow," (after calling again, still 9 days in the shop)

(crickets) (days 10 - 12)

"Good news, the new logic board is finally here, but we can't put it until the tests on the old logic board are done." (huh???) (13 days in the shop)

"It just needed a good dusting", declared on day 15!

... only to have it die for the same reason two weeks later.

That's when they put the REAL Genius on it - the one in the Back Room - the one who can actually talk to you on the phone without having to read cue cards.

Ah yes... good times... good times.

Editor's Note: No, thankfully nothing new has died. I'm just skipping down memory lane visiting grievances long past.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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