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Sunday, February 7, 2016


Today, we start at the end...

Zachary's Frog Position

Dog Blog Post #2049

Today is Day Spa Day, and after spending the afternoon being primped and pampered they were clearly too exhausted to pose.

So I took a few happy-snappy iPhone shots, played around in Lightroom for a few minutes, then called it a night.

This is Zachary's "Frog" position, lying flat on his tummy with this rear legs and tail splayed straight out behind.

It looks rather uncomfortable to me... for a boy... with a "full toolbox" (groomer's euphemism)... but it seems to work for him.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1559. "Today Is _______ Day"

The Rest...

... of Zachary, relocated and looking much more comfortable.

Zachary: "Zzzzzz"

Henry, under the table, thinking: "Please don't make me move."

Henry: "Zzzzzz"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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