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Monday, February 15, 2016

How Do I Love Thee

Running late, guys, so you'll have to keep the witty repartee to a minimum...

How Do I Love Thee

How Do I Love Thee

Wait... where did the "stars" go?

How Do I Love Thee

How Do I Love Thee

How Do I Love Thee

Seriously, I have idea no what happened to the sparkles in the second shot.

They are actual physical reflective bits attached (firmly) to a length of black velvet, but for that shot (and ONLY that shot) they didn't catch the flash and sparkle.

Same lighting, same fabric, same camera location.


Dog Blog Post #2057

From Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem, "How Do I Love Thee":

"I love thee freely"

The love of a dog is such an unconditional thing. It doesn't matter who you are, who you know, what you do for a living, or what you have.

(Admittedly, they are really, really pleased if you have Cookies, but it's not a requirement!)

The animated movie "Up" got it right when Dug (a Golden Retriever) said, "I have just met you and I love you!"

As fur and flame are a bad combination, you get pseudo-flame in a couple shots.

Ethereal flame?

Photoshop "Lens Flare" masquerading as flame?

Work with me here. :)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1567. "Love"

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 14, 2016 - "How Do I Love Thee"

How Do I Love Thee

Yes, I know the top shot - my favorite of the night - looks a lot like the wineglass shot from just a few days ago.

I had planned on picking a Zachary shot tonight, but didn't find out until too late that the lens flare "flame" trick wasn't going to work when overlaying anything but black, and all Zachary's shots had him behind the candle.

And the shot of Henry that was different (looking at the candle) didn't have "stars"!


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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