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Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Spinning into Wordless Wednesday...



Dog Blog Post #2059

Spinning is one of the boys favorite tricks.

It has an obvious cue plus the activity itself is self-rewarding.

Both boys spin excitedly when they see their bowls.

The shots above are slow exposure (1 second) rear curtain (flash fires at the end of the exposure) shot with the flash turned down (-2EV) to compensate.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1569. "Motion"

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 16, 2016 - "Flow"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #12. "Spin/Spinning"

Faster Exposure

Still spinning, but...

Henry's flowing locks

... this is a moderately slow (1/15s) rear curtain (flash fires at the end of the exposure) shot with the flash turned down just a bit (-1/3EV) to compensate.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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