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Monday, February 15, 2016

The Bachelors

The life of a Bachelor...

The Bachelor
Bachelor Zachary

The Bachelor
Bachelor Henry

The Bachelor
Zachary: (sigh)

The Bachelor
Henry: (sigh)

Sorry guys.

I don't care HOW many times you sigh, I'm still not going out and getting a girl dog.

Dog Blog Post #2058

Tea time for the Bachelor Dog(s).

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1568. "Single"

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 15, 2016 - "Copper"

(And yes, that's me, in orange, reflected in the copper cozy (visible in all but the top shot) as I knelt on the floor on the left. You can also make out the silver reflector attached to the fridge behind me, the umbrella with the flash firing through it on the right, and the rest of the Kitchen cabinets (and double ovens) that you don't normally get to see. The dark expanse in the middle is the Family Room,  not really visible because the lights were out.)

The Bachelor
Bachelor Henry

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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