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Monday, February 8, 2016

Tower of Cookies

8... 9... 10.


Ten Cookies all stacked up and ready to go.

Now wait just one more second while I get the shot...


Almost done.

Tower of Cookies
(waiting... and staring)

Steady... steady...

Tower of Cookies
(waiting... staring... and drooling)

Dog Blog Post #2051

The boys ogling the Cookie Tower On The Corner of the table just Waiting to be devoured.

Or is it the boys waiting to devour the Cookies?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 5, 2016 - "On The Corner"

Daily Dog Challenge 1561. "Waiting"

I'm somewhat surprised I haven't tried this setup before.

Having the small square table turned corner toward the camera allows me to get the boys quite close to the Cookies but still have everything get enough light and be visible.

This is also unusual in that Zachary is on the right. I usually have him on the left so his lighter muzzle gets a bit less flash, but after getting my Cookie Tower stacked I realized my Models were on the wrong sides.

Afraid that rearranging the Bulls in the China Shop* would send the tower plunging to the floor, I left them where they stood.

Tower of Cookies
Zachary: "Is she done rambling on?"
Henry: (sigh)

* Editor's Note: The Myth Busters piece debunking "The Bulls In The China Shop" is one of my favorites: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk_zpMory-0

Not the best quality video, but it has no commercials. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. Love both boys' expressions in the last photo.
    I remember that Myth Buster's episode about the bull in the china shop. It was fun to watch. On vacation years ago in Yellowstone, I was amazed at how gracefully a bison leapt over a 3+ foot high fence. If your boys had to trade places, the cookie tower would survive, as long as it didn't get whacked over by wagging tails!
