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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Up Close and Personal

Continuing our Body Part theme...

Paw Pad
Close-up of Henry's Rear Paw Pad

Dog Blog Post #2062

A close-up of the large pad on Henry's rear paw, officially known as the metatarsal pad.

Trivia: On the front paws, this is called the metacarpal pad.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1571. "Rough"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #43. "Rough"

Also Rans...

Rear Paw Pads
The pad shown in the close-up (above) is on the far left

Furry Feet
Foot tuffs - just above his rear paw pad.
The autofocus though it was much cuter than the paw pad, and I tend to agree

... also of Henry's rear feet.

The Challenge I Didn't Do: Graffiti

The artist posed in front of his work in progress...

Graffiti Artist Zachary

- a short stretch of wall between the Kitchen and Family Room where the boys love to play Bitey-Face.

I've cleaned it more times than I care to count, but after a play session or two it ends up looking just like this again.

They've even worn the texture off the wall (revealing the wallboard screws).


Hubby and I keep threatening to put up sheet metal "wainscoting" and call it a day.

The "Our Daily Challenge" Flickr group had "Graffiti" as the topic, and while the shot (above) of Zachary was my favorite of the day, it seemed just too much of stretch to use it, and so I opted not to post anything for that group today.

I will definitely keep the idea in mind, however, should a more appropriate challenge come round!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. Great paw pics. I always thought it was interesting that their paw pads have such different textures.
