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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Watch The Birdie

Ok, Zachary.

Now watch the Cookie...

Watch The Birdie
Zachary: "Right!"

Watch The Birdie
(tick tock tick tock....)


Oh, Zachary?

Can you hear me?


Watch The Birdie
Zachary: "Fooled you!"

Dog Blog Post #2104

Using a spring clamp (repurposed from holding the reflector to the fridge handle) balanced on the head of my old tripod to hold a Cookie.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 31, 2016 - "Watch The Birdie"

Daily Dog Challenge 1613. "Focus"

Uh... no.

This is NOT how I usually get the boys attention (the clamp, that is.)

This is more the start of a Rube Goldberg version of a Cookie holder.

Actually, this was (once again) not what I had planned on shooting. This was just supposed to be a place holder (literally) so I could get the lighting/focus right, and then I was going to carefully position my hand in exactly the same spot for final picture.

But after I got it set up, I rather liked it, and never bothered to follow through on "me".

In addition to my usual flash/umbrella setup, a second flash (with small softbox) is sitting on a kitchen chair to illuminate the stand/Cookie, as it is actually closer to the camera than my normal flash/umbrella.

Cookie Holder
Cookie Close-up

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

His Royal Highness

Or is it Their Royal Highnesses?

His Royal Highness
HRH Zachary

His Royal Highness
HRH Henry

Dog Blog Post #2103

I love this fabric!

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 30, 2016 - "Patterns"

Daily Dog Challenge 1612. "Decorative"

His Royal Highness
The Royal Head at rest

His Royal Highness

His Royal Highness

Pretty Fabric

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

On The Sofa

Ok Henry, up on the sofa.

Let's do a lighting check.

On The Sofa

Very nice.

Now make room for me.

On Momma's Lap
His Furriness, Henry

On Momma's Lap

And now Zachary...

Hold still, Zachary.

Lie down.

No, not GET down. Get back up here.

Now down.

No, up.



(You thinking I'm kidding.)

On Momma's Lap
I give up... have a Cookie

Dog Blog Post #2102

Once again, the top shot (which I used) wasn't what I had intended to shoot.

It was a positioning/lighting-check shot taken before the Real Shoot began.

(see remaining shots)

Unfortunately, the autofocus was enamored with the "Disneyland" written across my shirt (we really must have a heart-to-heart one of these days) and neglected to notice the large furry mammal lying across my lap.

The more aggressive post-processing wasn't actually needed for the top shot (unlike the rest of the images I uploaded today, which were a blurry mess) - but I rather liked how the rest turned out and so I went ahead and applied it there.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 29, 2016 - "Sit Down"

Daily Dog Challenge 1611. "A Favorite Place"

The Original

On The Sofa
"Normal" processing

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 28, 2016

Tickly Little Whiskers

Tickly Little Whiskers

Dog Blog Post #2101

This wasn't what I had been planning to take, but the boys were being so sweet (as they begged Cookies) that I couldn't resist.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 28, 2016 - "Cup"

... my hands.

Daily Dog Challenge 1610. "Water"

... a single drop.

Think "Where's Waldo" - and see if you can find it in the shot above.

These are (once again) iPhone shots, that have been desaturated (somewhat), softened, with a hint of grain added.

Why iPhone?

Because running off to get my Big Camera would spoil the moment, and I usually have my iPhone with me.

Tickly Little Whiskers

At least, I think that's Zachary up top.

I switched back and forth between the boys, so in all honesty I could be wrong.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Dog Blog Post #2100

Photography Assignment

"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion."

-- Rumi

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 27, 2016 - "Rumi & Jesus = Love"

Daily Dog Challenge 1609. "Alive"

Catching Cookies

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Cookie Me!

Yes, it's Slider/Sleepy/Slacker Saturday (Sunday?) once again.

(Has it really been a week?)

Cookie Me!
Zachary: "Cookies?"

Dog Blog Post #2099

Zachary, in the Kitchen, begging Cookies (above) and Henry, staring down the Cookie Jar in the Living Room (below).

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 26, 2016 - "Shoot From The Hip"

Daily Dog Challenge 1608. "Ears"

A pair of happy-snappy iPhone shots processed using PicsArt (iPad App) plus addition lovin' in Lightroom.

Cookie Me!
Henry: "Cooooookies...."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 25, 2016

Golden Easter Bunnies

Golden Easter Bunnies
"Happy Easter!"

Not quite yet, guys.

You have to wait a few more days.

Golden Easter Bunnies

We had to take the picture early for the Photo Challenge.

Golden Easter Bunnies

But in two day's time the Easter Baskets will show up and you can gobble up your bunnies.

Golden Easter Bunnies
Zachary: (gasp)
Henry: (gulp)

Or not.

Dog Blog Post #2098

Golden Easter Bunnies?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 25, 2016 - "Easter"

Daily Dog Challenge 1607. "Something Good"

Change is good, right?

These is really going to stand out in my Flickr stream, isn't it? :)

FWIW: I just checked. I took a whopping four high-key shots (well, shoots) all of last year. Hmmm... perhaps that explains why I find it so hard.

Golden Easter Bunnies
Zachary: "Maybe she didn't mean REAL bunnies."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Rock Hound

Whatcha got there, Henry?

Rock Collection
Henry: "I'm entering my Rock Collection in the fair."

Sounds like fun!

Dog Blog Post #2097

I like to stroll through the "collections" building - where kids of all ages show off collections of all kinds. From silver spoons to Elvis dolls to... rocks.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 24, 2016 - "All The Fun of the Fair"

Daily Dog Challenge 1606. "It's All Natural"

... well, all but one. :)

The Judge

Rock Collection
Judge Zachary: "Hmmmm"

Rock Collection
Judge Zachary: "Hmmmm"

Rock Collection
Zachary: "Winner!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

National Puppy Day

National Puppy Day
Henry: "I wish I may, I wish I might..."

National Puppy Day
Zachary: "... have this wish I wish tonight."

Dog Blog Post #2096

The boys, wishing for wonderful Forever Homes for all the pups who need one.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1605. "National Puppy Day"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 23, 2016 - "The Elements"

As I've mentioned before, flame and fur don't mix.

The top shot is of Henry (without the candle lit) masked with a shot of the candle, which I lit after Henry exited the set.

The second is of Zachary (also without the candle lit) - with a slider pushed here and there - then with lens flare added in Photoshop Elements

In retrospect, I probably should have picked that shot (and slidering) to mask the flame into.

Alas, I ran out of time.

Behind the Magic

The boys were photographed, sans flame, with a small softbox on the flash.

The flash was sitting on the floor in front of them but off camera.

Safe Henry

The candle was photographed without the flash* at f/3.5 1/15s.

* Since my camera is set up to trigger the flash with a small flash of its own, and I didn't bother to turn that off, the camera flash technical did fire.  However, the amount of light it puts out at that distance is barely perceptible.

Safe Candle

Just Because

Cheery Candle

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I guess there's a reason dogs don't take selfies...

Going Camping

For another dozen Cookies could you smile???

Dog Blog Post #2095

I thought a hat would be good for Natural Framing, but the rest of the shot is pretty much a disaster.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 22, 2016 - "Natural Framing"

Daily Dog Challenge 1604. "Let Me Take A Selfie"

Also Rans...

This was my favorite...

Going Camping

... but the hat wasn't really "framing".

Going Camping



-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Odd Couple

And who are you two, today?

Odd Couple
"The Odd Couple"

I see that.

Henry: "Roar!"
Zachary: "Eh hem... right."

Ok then.

Well, let's see a nice smile...

Odd Couple

Very nice.

Dog Blog Post #2094

So alike...

Both are friendly... friendly... ever so friendly, with happy dispositions and a deep-seated inability to hold a grudge - or even contemplate one.

... and yet so different...

Zachary (top hat) is smart, easy to teach, and quick to learn. He desperately wants to please. He's not fond of hugging, but loves snuggle close on his own terms.

Henry (t-shirt) is sweet, calm, and deliberate. You can't hug, pet, or cuddle this pup too much (we've tried!) He's too laid-back to enjoy extended training, although his deliberate nature and dislike of excess effort gives him a surprising paw up on Zachary when it comes to problem solving.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 18, 2016 - "Strange Bedfellows"

Daily Dog Challenge 1603. "Odd Couple"

Odd Couple
Zachary: "Bring on the Cookies."
Henry: "Mmmmm"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Slider Sunday



Dog Blog Post #2093

I had planned a lovely posed shot of Henry all snuggled up with his teddy - completed with cozy blanket and a pillow.

And then Zachary curled up next to me on the sofa (as he usually does).

And fell asleep (as he usually does).

And I just couldn't resist.

Various fun PicsArt (iPad App) fun filters and a few extra Lightroom sliders (like grain) were applied to this otherwise un-noteworthy low-light iPhone happy-snappy of my boy.

I would have liked to have brought out the Big Gun (camera) to get a nice shot, but the spell would have been broken.

Zachary is a wonderful model, and will happily do many, many things on cue for me, but he just can't seem to do "relaxed" in front of the camera (when awake).

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 18, 2016 - "Solitude or Sanctuary"

Daily Dog Challenge 1602. "Serenity"


Editor's Note: If you really want to see the differences between some of these, you'll probably need do click on the images to get a larger view.

Same as above, only NO grain and add a Polygon filter...


Above, with grain...


Switching gears - this is the Comic filter...


The Original...

... cropped and tweaked slightly for color and contrast...


He was sleeping so soundly I was able to get off the sofa, without waking him, and get the shot.

When I *was* on the sofa, I was curled up under the rust color blanket on the right and Zachary's head was resting on my feet.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved