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Friday, March 18, 2016

Catching Cookies

Pictures should pretty well speak for themselves today...

Henry's Efforts...

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Zachary's Efforts...

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Catching Cookies

Dog Blog Post #2091

Since I get asked from time to time...

I took four pictures of Henry "Catching Cookies" tonight - or at least trying to.

This really isn't his best skill (understatement alert).

Two of those four shots caught him with his mouth open (what I was trying for) and two had the Cookie in flight but he had yet to open up (I was too early).

I believe he actually caught both where his mouth was open but missed both where his mouth was closed, suggesting he might be more successful Catching Cookies if he opened his mouth a bit sooner.

As for Zachary, I took five pictures of him Catching Cookies.

Three caught him with his mouth open (again, what I was trying for) and two were too late (mouth closed, Cookie gone) - although even those shot have their own special appeal.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 18, 2016 - "Perfect Timing"

116 Pictures in 2016 - #101. "Food for Free"

Daily Dog Challenge 1600. "Free"

At least, from the boys point of view it's free!

Henry Has Other Skills

A "throw away" lighting test shot...

Mr. Henry
Mr. Henry

He makes me look good. :)

And yes, as I've said many times before, he's just as sweet, soft, and cuddly as he looks.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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