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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just A Click Away

Ok... which one of you placed the order for more Cookies from Amazon?

Just A Click Away
Zachary: "Henry!"
Henry: "Zachary!"

Hmmm... since I can't prove who did it...

Just A Click Away
Zachary: "Pfththththth"

... I guess I'll just have to dock BOTH your Cookie allotments.

Just A Click Away

Dog Blog Post #2083

Just kidding, guys... I was going to place an order myself anyway.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1592. "Cheerful Signs"

Things are obviously looking up from the other day's empty Cookie Jar shot.

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 10, 2016 - "Rainbow"

More Cookies
Lots O' Cookies

FWIW: These are the Cookies I use as rewards for the boys during photo shoots.

They are completely non-greasy and non-crumbly (of critical importance, as I don't want greasy, crumby fingers on my camera) are reasonably low calorie for their size (about an inch long and 1/3"-1/2" in width and height) and the boys work enthusiastically for them.

Yes, I would prefer to buy them locally, but our local store no longer stocks them.

Which is a real bummer, as the boys can go through a couple bags per week.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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