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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

National Puppy Day

National Puppy Day
Henry: "I wish I may, I wish I might..."

National Puppy Day
Zachary: "... have this wish I wish tonight."

Dog Blog Post #2096

The boys, wishing for wonderful Forever Homes for all the pups who need one.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1605. "National Puppy Day"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 23, 2016 - "The Elements"

As I've mentioned before, flame and fur don't mix.

The top shot is of Henry (without the candle lit) masked with a shot of the candle, which I lit after Henry exited the set.

The second is of Zachary (also without the candle lit) - with a slider pushed here and there - then with lens flare added in Photoshop Elements

In retrospect, I probably should have picked that shot (and slidering) to mask the flame into.

Alas, I ran out of time.

Behind the Magic

The boys were photographed, sans flame, with a small softbox on the flash.

The flash was sitting on the floor in front of them but off camera.

Safe Henry

The candle was photographed without the flash* at f/3.5 1/15s.

* Since my camera is set up to trigger the flash with a small flash of its own, and I didn't bother to turn that off, the camera flash technical did fire.  However, the amount of light it puts out at that distance is barely perceptible.

Safe Candle

Just Because

Cheery Candle

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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