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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

On The Sofa

Ok Henry, up on the sofa.

Let's do a lighting check.

On The Sofa

Very nice.

Now make room for me.

On Momma's Lap
His Furriness, Henry

On Momma's Lap

And now Zachary...

Hold still, Zachary.

Lie down.

No, not GET down. Get back up here.

Now down.

No, up.



(You thinking I'm kidding.)

On Momma's Lap
I give up... have a Cookie

Dog Blog Post #2102

Once again, the top shot (which I used) wasn't what I had intended to shoot.

It was a positioning/lighting-check shot taken before the Real Shoot began.

(see remaining shots)

Unfortunately, the autofocus was enamored with the "Disneyland" written across my shirt (we really must have a heart-to-heart one of these days) and neglected to notice the large furry mammal lying across my lap.

The more aggressive post-processing wasn't actually needed for the top shot (unlike the rest of the images I uploaded today, which were a blurry mess) - but I rather liked how the rest turned out and so I went ahead and applied it there.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 29, 2016 - "Sit Down"

Daily Dog Challenge 1611. "A Favorite Place"

The Original

On The Sofa
"Normal" processing

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved

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