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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Slacker Saturday

Artsy Henry

Dog Blog Post #2085

Saturday's Are For slacking off!

So here's a pair of iPhone happy-snappies (of the boys staring longing at the Cookie Jar) run through a PicsArt (iPhone/iPad app) Artistic Filter called Gouache.

I had a hard time picking a favorite.

I like Zachary's dark background better (below) but I think Henry's coat and eyes rendered better with this particular filter.

Why is Zachary's background better?

Because Henry is a such a terrible slouch! (Lower camera angle = background closer = less dark)

Henry's actually noticeably larger than Zachary, but you would never guess it to look at the pictures.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1594. "Saturday's Are For _________"

Artsy Zachary

I'm rather liking the idea of taking a day off from "formal" shooting, then using the time saved to play with Artsy Stuff.

But I should probably come up with a better name than "Slacker Saturday".

Alas, nothing else has come to mind so far.

Oh well, I have a whole week for inspiration to strike.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. I think that filter worked better on Henry with more color variations across the bridge of his snout. But slouchy Zachary's photo shows off those beautiful Golden ears.
