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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Some Days Are Like That

Today somehow slipped away from me.

I wasn't particularly busy, but the weather was drippy and uninspiring.

Anyway, I grabbed an iPhone happy-snappy and enjoyed fiddling with it in PicsArt - an iPad app.

And then I tried to upload it to Flickr for all the world to see.

No joy. 

Can't get ANYTHING Flickr related to load on the web. 

Thankfully, and somewhat mysteriously, their app is working just fine. (WAS working - it's now down, too.)

Unfortunately, I can't use the app to grab images using my usual Blog editor. 

So here I am, in the Blogger App, crossing my fingers and hoping I can add the image below from the original on my iPad. 

I probably can't get the text describing it, so you'll have to take my word for it that it is of Henry, and the topic was "Be Prepared" - as in Henry preparing for wet weather by hiding under the table. 😀

1 comment:

  1. I go for the closet behind Mom's writing desk myself. Nice to meet you all and thank you for the Sunday smile.

    Abby the Labrador in Chicago
