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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Amber Waves

Amber Waves

Amber Waves

Amber Waves

Amber Waves

Dog Blog Post #2134

Well, I *suppose* you could count the hairs on a dog, but realistically they are probably Too Many To Count.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 30, 2016 - "Too Many To Count"

Daily Dog Challenge 1643. "Fur-Style"

Today was Day Spa day... how fortuitous was that!

Being Golden Retrievers, this means they get washed and dried, their ears and teeth are cleaned, their nails and paws (fur) are trimmed, plus a "sanitary clip" (under the tail).

And that's it.

Normally, the shop would also shave directly underneath the ear flap, close to the ear canal, but that really bugs Henry, who shakes and rubs his head for a few days afterwards and so we skip that.

They would also neaten/trim their leg feathers, but as they look so luxurious in pictures I have requested they leave them be.

Mr. Henry
Mr. Henry

I stuck a hat on the boys today as I was taking pictures of other parts.

This keeps the flash out of their eyes, and they know it, and so they just lie there patiently until I'm done.

Henry whiskers

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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