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Sunday, April 24, 2016

At the Art Gallery

The boys went to the Art Gallery today.

I wonder what they found?

At the Art Gallery
Zachary with Still Life with Lacrosse Balls

At the Art Gallery
Henry with Still Life with Toys

Dog Blog Post #2128

Henry and Zachary, staring at a Still Life of A Bunch of Lacrosse Balls and Toys.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 24, 2016 - "Still Life"

Daily Dog Challenge 637. "A Bunch"

Behind the Scenes

Still Life
Still Life with Toys


Still Life
Still Life with Lacrosse Balls


Looks like Henry prefers a more traditional approach while Zachary favors something more modern.

And yes, I enjoyed today's shoot very much. :)

In addition to the obvious photoshop masking and resizing, you might notice I had to flip Zachary's image horizontally so he would be staring at the bowl.

I think it would be fun to revisit these images, running the still life photo's through some filters to create an Old Master look for the toys and perhaps an impressionist feel for the Lacrosse Ball shot.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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