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Friday, April 29, 2016

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
Marvelous Mr. Zachary

Bird Dog
It's so "you" Zachary

Bird Dog
Henry knows how to work it

Bird Dog
Henry: "Feathers, Momma?"

Dog Blog Post #2133

Apparently, Bird Dog doesn't mean quite what I thought it did.

Sorry about that guys.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 28, 2016 - "There is no accounting for taste"

I have absolutely no idea who would wear an orange and black feather boa... or why, for that matter.

But I found it on the clearance rack at the local fabric store for $1.99 and just couldn't resist.

Daily Dog Challenge 1642. "Got Plans?"

I also have no idea where the guys plan on going decked out like this, but I have no doubt they are going to have fun!

Bird Dog
Zachary channeling Henry

Bird Dog
Same image as above, uncropped and (obviously) in B&W

I don't typically shoot vertically, as there is less margin for error should the dogs move around.

Plus the camera looks rather precarious perched on the tripod that way.

And (as you can see, above) I didn't shoot vertically today, either.

But I thought today's images of Zachary really did benefit from a vertical crop to show of all those feathers.

I left Henry's horizontal, as I thought his typically bed-headed rear was rather cute.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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