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Monday, April 11, 2016

Golden Ruff

Golden Ruff
Captain Golden Ruff

Golden Ruff
Caption Golden Ruff: "Yo-Ho Yo-Ho, a pirate's life for me."

Golden Ruff
First Mate Golden Fluff

Golden Ruff
Why so serious?

Golden Ruff
Dog Tired

Dog Blog Post #2115

Being a pirate seems to Hinge on the proper props: a hat, a scarf, and a sea chest being critical.

A chest with some hinges, of course. :)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 10, 2016 - "Hinge"

Daily Dog Challenge 1624. "It's In the Details"

I'm still playing around with Luminance Noise Reduction in Lightroom. On the one hand, to take lovely crisp images and smear them out seems... wrong. On the other hand, I find the effect rather painterly and "pretty".


All the images above have Luminance applied. The one below does not.

Without Noise Reduction

Below is the "normal" image (no noise reduction, very crisp) and ultimately the one I picked...

Golden Ruff
Caption Crisp

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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