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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Looking Good

Lookin' Good, Good Lookin'

Looking Good
Mr. Zachary

Looking Good
Mr. Henry

Looking Good
Mr. Henry

Looking Good
Mr. Zachary

Dog Blog Post #2127

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 23, 2016 - "Reflection"

Daily Dog Challenge 1636. "So Good Looking"

Sans Hat

Looking Good

Looking Good

Looking Good

After a cursory sniff, the boys had zero interest in the mirror.

Any interest you might think you see is solely the product of carefully placed cookies and/or the boys ability to hold a pose.

In one picture, Henry was actually watching me. He also watches me pet him in the mirrored bedroom closet doors. I have no idea why.

In one picture, a Cookie was cloned out of the image.

In the rest, the Cookies were either off frame, or no longer needed as the boys had figured out what pose they were supposed to hold.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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