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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Socks

Sometimes you only need one picture to tell a story...

New Socks
Henry: (contented sigh)

Dog Blog Post #2117

Henry loves socks.

He loves to carefully select a sock from the (clean) laundry basket and then parade around the house, flipping and shaking his sock as though it was an Olympic sport.

Sock Flipping, Tossing, and Twirling.

Coming to a stadium near you!

We go through a lot of socks around here.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Apr 13, 2016 - "New and Improved"

These are brand new socks - newly arrived this past Saturday.

I went for the thick and cushy variety, nice and soft and cozy on my feet.

As Henry also seems to approve, I'm sure I'll be buying more.


Daily Dog Challenge 1626. "Show Me The _______!"

... socks?

The Rest

... of course, I have TAKE at least a handful of pictures to FIND that one.

New Socks
Henry: "Thanks for the socks, Momma."

Wait... those are MY news socks!

New Socks
Zachary - the unimpressed

New Socks
Zachary - considering the potential of Socks

New Socks
Zachary: "Boring!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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