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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Up Close and Personal

Continuing my recent theme of being lazy on Saturday...

Up Close and Personal
Ear fluff

Up Close and Personal
Shallow DOF quite apparent here

Up Close and Personal
Henry Tuft (plus a bit of ear)

Up Close and Personal
Henry Ruff Tuft

Up Close and Personal
"Cheesy Burger!"

Dog Blog Post #2106

Today I was a bit more clever and put my Nikon on the end table so I could at least be lazy with the good camera instead of with the iPhone.

Today's shots are 1/60s and f/3.5.

About half were ISO 500 and the other were ISO 1000. Higher ISO allows you to get away with less light, at the expense of more "grain" in the image.

I normally shoot ISO 100 (as low as the camera will go) since I usually shoot with a flash.

I applied Luminance Noise Reduction to all in Lightroom, which created extremely smooth, although slightly softened images.

Bye-bye grain!

Next week, if I do this again, I'll try to remember to upload a pre Noise Reduction version so you can see the difference.

All images are of Henry, as Zachary was stretched out too far from the lamp.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1615. "Shallow"

... DOF.

Up Close and Personal
Photographer Selfie

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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