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Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Mr. Henry

Mr. Zachary

Professor Henry

Professor Zachary

Dog Blog Post #2152

I think my boys are perfectly masculine-looking Golden Retrievers, even when naked, but just in case there is any doubt I tried to give a stereotypically male feel to the image by using darker/bluer tones, a top hat, and a bow tie.

Speaking of gender (of dogs, that is) I've decided most people make the following assumptions about my dogs...

1. Furry dogs - at least Golden Retrievers - are, by default, female.

2. When two dogs are being walked together, they must be of opposite genders.

3. Therefore, when two dogs are being walked together, the furrier of the two must be the female.

The fact that Henry is visibly larger - in height as well as bone - makes zero difference.

Henry is fluffy. Henry's fur is somewhat wavy. Henry is a girl.

Zachary is sleek. Zachary's fur is straight. Zachary is a boy.


Photography Assignment

ur Daily Challenge - May 18, 2016 - "Masculine"

Daily Dog Challenge 1661. "Your Idea of Beauty"

Natural Beauty

Handsome Henry

Handsome Zachary

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. You have two very handsome boys.
    With my cats, I've noticed people think similarly. Fluffy = girl. Black (dark) = boy.
