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Monday, May 9, 2016

She's Lost Her Mind

Hats on Zach
Hats on Zach

Dog Blog Post #2143

A Tall stack of hats on Zachary's head.

I'm pretty sure he thinks I've Lost my mind.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - May 9, 2016 - "Tall"

Daily Dog Challenge 11652. "Lost"

Yet another shoot that was much harder than it probably looks.

Balancing things is not really Zachary's thing, but Henry's shoot with the sock was a flop (below) so I had to think fast to come up with a Plan B.

Accidental Selfie

I don't usually upload these shots...

Hats on Zach
Zachary (thinking) : "She's lost her mind."

... but I loved the look Zachary was giving me here. My right hand, just out of view, has the camera remote.

Plan A - A Tall Sock

Henry loves to haul (clean) laundry around the house - particularly socks and underwear -

Tall Sock
Henry: "Do you want me to go outside and find the other one?"

... and then transport them into the backyard.

Good thing the neighbors can't really see into the yard.

While I like his expression, the sock just wasn't visible enough.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. You may have lost your mind, but Zachary kept his cool.
    Henry does have a great expression.
