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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Bye Bye Cookie

When the iPhone takes over picture taking duties for the day...

Bye Bye Cookie
Zachary: "Slurp!"

Bye Bye Cookie
Zachary: "Chomp!"

Dog Blog Post #2190

The Cookie is leaving the building.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 25, 2016 - "Exit, Leave, Go"

Daily Dog Challenge 1699. "End"

Shhhh... don't tell the Nikon.

More Cookies, Please!

More Cookies, Please!
(blink blink)

More Cookies, Please!
Henry (thinking): "Pleeeeeeeeeease!"

How Can I Resist Them?

More Cookies, Please!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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