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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Dreamy Dog

Dreamy Dog
Dreamy Zachary

Dreamy Dog
Dreamy Henry

Dreamy Dog
Dreamy Zachary

Dreamy Dog
Dreamy Henry

Dog Blog Post #2177

I wanted something different... something soft... a whispered conversation, if you will.

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 12, 2016 - "A Conversation With Light"

No photoshop here, this was created using one of Christopher Grey's "Cheap Tricks", as described in his new (2016) book "Cheap Tricks: Ingenious Lighting and Shooting Ideas for Studio Photography" (thank you, Mom!)

For a somewhat detailed description (and picture!) see below.

Daily Dog Challenge 1686. "Everything's Coming Up Roses"

Big sale at the fabric store today, and both the backdrop and my "cheap trick" fabric are new purchases.

Behind the Scenes

A decidedly low-tech approach.

Behind the Scenes

This is my first "Cheap Trick" - using a piece of organza (although this might actually be chiffon) over the lens to create a dreamy look.

As the author didn't specify exactly how to do set it up, I had to... improvise.

For the curious, this is one of my two most common configurations for shooting (ignoring the fabric and clamps). The camera lens is sitting on top of the remote case (folded) on top of a book on Knights which is sitting on the floor.

That particular book is a critical part of the equation, being Just The Right Height.

If I use the remote case unfolded, then I get more floor and some nice reflections (sans fabric) but I need to keep the boys looking down or I'll crop the tops of their heads (or hats) off.

If I remove the case entirely, then I'm taking pictures of the boys with their heads on the floor.

The camera flash is up to trigger the off-camera flash (to the left of the image, the right of the camera) and contributes little to the final image at my usual shutter speed (1/160s).

I had to up the exposure value by +2 in order to compensate for the reduced light through the fabric.

What's the other camera configuration? On the tripod, of course, which puts the lens 1-2 feet off the ground. I use it for any shot where the boys aren't lying down.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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