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Sunday, June 26, 2016

High / Low Energy

High Energy
Zachary = High Energy

Low Energy
Henry = Low Energy

High Energy
Zachary = High Energy

Low Energy
Henry = Low Energy

High Energy
Zachary = High Energy

Any questions?  :)

Dog Blog Post #2191

Zachary doesn't really slow down when it gets hot, at least not the way Henry does, but he does play for shorter periods of time.

That said, the Opportunity for a minute or two of quality time with the Lacrosse Ball is something he just couldn't pass up.

On the other paw, this is about as High Energy as Henry gets in the heat of the summer, even when given the Opportunity to chase a ball.

Those were ONE SECOND shots... and the pup isn't even blurry. Contrast that with the 1/250s I use for Zachary, which is fast as my camera will shoot using flash.

I typically shoot 1/160s, as that speed will work for any non-moving shots using any lens I would use in the house, my longest non-zoom lens being 135mm.

If I'm desperate for light (think, those "sofa", lazy days, shots) then I will drop down to 1/60s.

The general rule is to shoot (hand held) no slower than 1 over the length of the lens in millimeters. My workhorse lens is a 60mm lens, hence the 1/60s shutter speed.

Using a tripod, I've shot in the 1/30s range for easy-to-hold posed shots without a problem.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1700. "Opportunity"

Our Daily Challenge - June 25, 2016 - "High Energy"

No Energy
Henry = No Energy

Will someone please wake the pup when temps drop back below 60F?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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