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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Knight Errant

Knight Errant
Sir Zachary

Dog Blog Post #2166

Seriously, can you imagine anyone more chivalrous than a Golden Retriever?

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 1, 2016 - "Sharp"

Work with me here.

Sharp things and furry creatures don't go well together.

Daily Dog Challenge 1675. "Colors In Nature"

I love nature's tans and golden browns... perhaps favoring a more cheery composition... but, you know, the series is sort of growing on me.

Knight Errant
Sir Henry

Knight Errant
Sir Zachary

It doesn't hurt that the skull and sword are two of my favorite of the infrequently used props.

There just aren't that many challenges where a skull "fits", and sword is a royal pain to post-process.

(Yes, there's a very good reason two of the three shots are vertical crops.)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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