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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Lucky Dogs

No bare cupboards for these two...

Lucky Dogs
Zachary: "Can we eat them all?"
Henry: "Right now?"


Lucky Dogs
(blink blink)


Lucky Dogs

You've got to love the eternal optimism of dogs.

Dog Blog Post #2179

A Dog Lives Here

The fur all over the house kinda gives it away, but in case you somehow missed all the golden tuffs and fluffs on everything, you might spy one of the many Cookie Jars scattered about the place.

Because you can NEVER have too many Cookie Jars.

At least, that's what the boys keep tell me.

Truth in Advertising: Ok... the two large canisters on the left and the one between Zachary's paws actually live in the Kitchen cupboard... but there are two other bins that sit on the counter (one scruffy and one glass) plus a twin of Henry's that lives in the back bedroom, which I didn't include.

Oh, and the small stuff is actually Kibble. But the guys don't mind. :)

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1688. "A Dog Lives Here"

Our Daily Challenge - June 14, 2016 - "Where To Put It"

Lucky Dogs
"More Cookies Please!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Your boys are so handsome!
    But wouldn't they be luckier if the lids were off the containers?

  2. They certainly would be plumper!
