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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Things Are Heating Up

Things are Heating Up
Summertime Boys

Dog Blog Post #2187

This was NOT what I had planned on doing.

Well, the image of the dogs was planned... at least once I started getting out the camera gear and wandering about the house searching for an idea.

But the processing?

Not so much.

You see, I had underexposed the first image of the day. This is a known problem with the beach hats, and was completely anticipated. I snap the first picture, see what I get, tweak the exposure value to fix it, and move on.

The rest of the shoot went without incident.

It's when I got back to the computer that the "problem" began.

It turns out that the boys had a rather nice expression on that first shot. Usually they aren't quite "warmed up" yet... if you know what I mean.

But this image wasn't half bad. So I pushed the exposure slider over to see if I could make anything of it... and then I pushed it a bit more... and then a bit more... and I liked it.

So I went a little further. And I liked that even better.

And then... well, the image kinda speaks for how the rest of the editing session went.

(The Inciting Image is the next one, below.)

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - June 22, 2016 - "Signs of the Season"

Daily Dog Challenge 1696. "Bold"

The colors and umbrella and hats were what was supposed to be Bold, but I'm thinking now it might be the processing.


Just a bit.

Things Are Heating Up
Zachary: "I'm ready for summer."
Henry: "Me, too!"

Things are Heating Up
Toning things down a bit

Hard to believe, the image above is processed "normally".

It looks so... dull... after the prior two!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2016 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Such cute photos! Thanks for the share!

  2. Sometimes you just have to go wild with the colors, and this worked really well. You're right, the last photo looks rather dull after those vibrant versions.
