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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Good Dogs

Hand-held today, varying only slightly in POV and aperture.

Good Dog
Henry waiting...

Good Dog
... waiting...

Good Dog
... waiting.

I took eight shots in total, and I'm not sure Henry budged an inch.

I believe he got nine of those Cookies when I was done.

PLUS his regular Modeling Fee Cookies.

PLUS his after shoot Cookies (which are really, Really, REALLY good Cookies).

It's good to be a dog model.

Dog Blog Post #2225

Slightly cooler today - although with temps still hitting 100F I'm not sure that's much consolation.

Another easy shoot - at least for Henry.

What a good boy!

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1731. "Lead The Eye"

Our Daily Challenge - July 27, 2016 - "Leading Lines"

Not quite sure where these are leading to...

Good Dog
Zachary, showing off his self-control

Good Dog
Zachary, wishing I would hurry up and finish.

... but I liked the shots.

This is physically easy for Zachary, although if drool is any indicator it took a substation amount of self-control.

He got to eat all those Cookies when I was done.

PLUS his regular Modeling Fee Cookies.

PLUS the really, Really, REALLY good After Shoot Cookies.

I think I'm in the wrong line of work.

Cropped from the shot one up...

Mr. Zachary
Mr. Zachary

It didn't meet the challenges, but I loved it none-the-less.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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