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Tuesday, July 5, 2016


To celebrate the end of the celebrations, I gave the boys the night off from posing.

Here's a Nikon version of a happy-snappy...

Mr. Zachary
Mr. Zachary

... taken in between my planned shots of the boys' (relaxed and dangling) tongues, while I waited for Henry to finish his Cookie.

Since the dangling tongue shots were a bit of a let down, I offer this instead, in hopes it might bring somebody a chuckle.

A slider here, a slider there, and it's... art?

Dog Blog Post #2200

Zachary's Relaxed and Dangling ears.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 1709. "Relaxed"

Our Daily Challenge - July 5, 2016 - "Dangling"

The Planned Shots

Pant pant pant

Pant pant pant

Pant pant pant

The Rest

Henry's Whiskers
Henry Whisker with added grain... "just because"

Henry's Ruff
Henry Ruff

Ok... I guess I should explain the shot, above.

I have a preset in Lightroom to compensate for my usual "kitchen studio" lighting conditions, plus some basic sharpening, lens correction, etc. to make my RAW images passable.

When I apply that preset to images taken under the low-light floor-lamp conditions of the Living Room, it turns out something like this.

I usually just switch the color back to "As Shot" and it works, but I loved the warm tones of this otherwise uninspired shot of Henry's ruff, and so I let it be.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. I think Zachary's wavy tongue in the first photo makes a great image.
